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Water and dietary fiber to help you get rid Of tired

Dietary fiber is essential to human health, the lack of this "intestinal scavenger", peristalsis would be weakened, the body of toxins is difficult to remove, while the reduction in the secretion of bile acids, lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar is difficult the standard completely. Chinese Nutrition Society recommended intake of 30 grams per person per day should be about dietary fiber, but many of our daily intake of only 10 grams. Therefore, the nutritionist recommended to eat whole grains foods, such as corn, millet, sorghum, rice, instead of through the fine grinding of the rice; eat vegetables with a long stem, such as celery, spinach, to increase the intake of dietary fiber .

Two major types of dietary fiber: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, both of which are not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, soluble fiber in the gastrointestinal tract in the expansion to increase the volume of insoluble fiber is not absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract directly into the large intestine, stimulate the intestine peristalsis.

The main water-soluble fiber are: apples, pears, oranges, bananas, potatoes, sweet potato.

Insoluble fiber are: brown rice, wheat bran, Pei Yami and other cereals, beans, leafy vegetables, fruit peel and other content more.

