Honey: honey contains a special ingredient that can promote the decomposition of alcohol absorption, reduce the headache symptoms, particularly red wine caused by headache.
Tomato juice: tomato juice rich in particular fructose, can promote the decomposition of alcohol. A drink tomato juice 300 ml or more, can drink and dizziness, a sense of gradually disappear.
Grapes: Grapes are rich in tartaric acid, can interact with alcohol in the formation of esters of ethanol to achieve the purpose of relieving hangovers. If you eat before drinking, but also to prevent drunkenness.
Watermelon: Watermelon may be a goal of heat can make alcohol quickly with urine.
Grapefruit: It was found that meat with grapefruit dipped in sugar to eat, drink right to eliminate the alcohol in the mouth has very good results.
Celery: Celery is rich in B vitamins, break down alcohol.
Yogurt: Yogurt can protect gastric mucosa, slow alcohol absorption, but calcium rich drink to alleviate irritability particularly effective.
Banana: drink and eat some bananas, can increase blood glucose levels, reduce the proportion of alcohol in the blood to achieve the purpose of relieving hangovers. At the same time, it removes the heart palpitations, chest tightness and other symptoms.
Olive: Olive is a sober since ancient times, Qingwei fever, loss of appetite and promote the "good medicine", either direct consumption, but also add rock sugar stew served