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Three kinds of weight-loss delicious supper

(A)Full stomach fillet porridge

160kcal/1 bowl

Most of Grass Carp fish congee or the big fish,

These two kinds of fish are low-fat fish, and contain no saturated fat, low cholesterol, good for the heart. And only four fish 80kcal, compared with 4 fat beef (200kcal) a lot lower. Grains and cereals, sugar quality, stability and the role of glucose on the brain, so drinking rice water can be relaxing, can help to fall asleep.

(B)High-fiber oatmeal and skimmed milk

170kcal/Half a cup skim milk+3 tablespoons oatmeal

A lot of instant oatmeal available in the market from high sugar content, so be careful when you choose. Use sugar, no milk, oatmeal, in addition to nutritious things, there are 2 grams fiber, easy full stomach, and then eat other foods essential expenditures. Coupled with a kind of milk containing the amino acid called Serotonin can result in brain was rest, relax, bring your produce drowsiness.

(C)Sedation Banana

50kcal/1 Emperor banana

Most people think that eating bananas will gain weight, in fact, a banana contains only 100kcal, less than half the meals, while the fiber is more than one to two times more than rice. But nutritionists that eating a banana on too much sun, we recommend eating a banana is like the emperor banana, and and banana contains potassium; potassium are minerals, not heat, can maintain normal nerve transport, so that the normal heartbeat, mood peace.

