Lotus root with a variety of nutrients, including starch, protein, vitamin C and so on.
Chestnut of its nutrient-rich, fruit sugar, starch, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and various vitamins, it would be quite medicinal value of Chestnut.
Taro texture valuables, easy to digest, suitable for spleen and stomach weakness, suffering from intestinal diseases, tuberculosis, and patients are now recovering from food.
Per 500 grams of potatoes, potatoes, containing the natural fat 3.1 grams, protein 10.1 grams, 73 grams of starch, crude fiber 3.5 grams, the total content of vitamin carrots 2 times 4 times the tomatoes.
Sweet potato food in the Nutrition Department of the more abundant food. Sweet potatoes can supply a lot of mucus the human protein, sugar, vitamin A and vitamin C
Radish contains more moisture, vitamin C, a certain amount of calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates and a small amount of protein, iron and other vitamins, also contains lignin, choline oxidase, Su, Gan enzyme, catalase, amylase , mustard oil, beneficial ingredients.