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the top 10 Dirtiest food you are probably eating

Dirt: After a study of 484 Broilers found that 42% of the Campylobacter infections, 12% of the salmonella infection. The latest survey found that the U.S. annual per capita consumption of 70 pounds (35 kilograms) of chicken, than the consumption of beef, pork and chicken all over.

Avoid the supermarket method: select those who raise free-range chicken farm. Chicken habitat of these places even greater once the number of slaughtered less, so security is high.

Home to avoid the way: In order to avoid food poisoning, when you buy raw meat after the first bubble with water about, rather than directly on the baking dish inside his. The shortcut to avoid the chicken and other food brought infection. In the meat time, I remember cleaning the knife and chopping board.

2. Minced beef

Dirt: The hamburger meat in a survey found, which contains 53% of Clostridium perfringens, 30% of the grape-shaped bacteria, 12% of the listeria.

Avoid the supermarket method: In the supermarket, when processed to select those irradiated ground beef, usually printed on the packaging will be marked after radiation treatment.

Home to avoid the way: In the beef, add fresh oregano oil can prevent the breeding of E. coli.

3. Pulverizer chicken

Dirt: This is potentially one of the most dirty poultry. The study found that 1 / 4 of the pulverizer chicken contains Si-bacteria, Campylobacter, Clostridium, or combination of these.

Avoid the supermarket method: Choose an organic chicken. In the checkout, when loaded with a dedicated band placed soil chicken meat.

Home to avoid the way: to change the mindset on poultry. Imagine that these birds are contaminated with high-temperature disinfection and cleaning up chicken dish placed too immature soil, wipe with paper towels, do not use sponges.

4. Oysters

Dirt: oysters contain norovirus (pathogens present in the ocean), Campylobacter and Vibrio, leading to diarrhea.

Avoid the supermarket method: buy through the well-known chef treated oysters.

Home to avoid the way: It is as simple as eating cooked oysters on it. If you must eat raw oysters, carefully read the purchase proposal.

5. Egg

Dirt: Although pasteurization has brought down the amount of Salmonella in eggs is very low, but the eggs, there are still bacteria. Choose ripe eggs instead of fried eggs not fully cooked.

Avoid the supermarket method: pay attention to install the egg cartons, so long as to find the words can be sterilized at high temperatures, as well as valid. Check to see if there is no crack each egg, because the bacteria can easily go from the cracks in the drilling.

Home to avoid the way: put all their eggs in their cartons, which were then placed in the refrigerator of the most cool place. Beaten eggs, remember wash your hands.

6. Cantaloupe

Dirt: The study found that 3.5% of the cantaloupe to contain Salmonella and Shigella (can be transmitted from person to person). Because melon are generally eaten raw, so bacteria directly into your intestines.

Avoid the supermarket method: buy a whole melon, cut melon because it is easy to make the bacteria have entered.

Home to avoid the way: Chigua tap water before using cleaning fluid cleaning the following 15-30 seconds to ensure that you buy the brush is used to wash vegetables and fruits only, otherwise it will cause cross-contamination.

7. Peach

Dirt: In order to make the surface looks smooth and clean peach, in the few weeks before the peach harvest, farmers would peach rubbed pesticides. Have been reported in peach reaching consumers when the surface has been covered nine layers of pesticides.

Avoid the supermarket method: A sign affixed to the bag loading of organic peaches and other fruit.

Home to avoid the way: many goods will be the top layer of wax to maintain the role of pesticides, so with a sponge or brush can be washed off this layer of wax.

8. Pre-packed lettuce

Dirt: The study found that 11% of food poisoning are caused by a pre-packed lettuce.

Avoid the supermarket method: from the cling film wrap the lettuce is not without pathogens, and can choose to bulk vegetables.

Home to avoid the way: before eating, will each lettuce leaf in water under the clean water.

9. Hors d'oeuvres

Dirt: The study found that cold can easily cause listeriosis, since listeria more easily breed in a cold environment.

Avoid the supermarket method: Avoid selection of cold deli.

Home to avoid the way: In the above painted mustard sandwich because it can kill in 2 hours 90% of listeria, E. coli and Salmonella.

10. Onion

Dirt: The study found that onions contain parasites Cryptosporidium-ri, to Shigella and Salmonella.

Avoid the supermarket method: Buy frozen onions, because of the indoor environment is very easy to breed bacteria.

Home to avoid the way: The tap opening to the largest to wash dirt, clean the skin when the strip onions.

