Lead can lead the Food and replace other minerals, such as iron, calcium and zinc in the nervous system's activity status and, therefore, brain cells, a major "killer." Food is mainly lead popcorn, Century egg and so on.
Eat salty food can damage arteries, affecting the blood supply to brain tissue, so that the brain cells a long period of ischemia, hypoxia, leading to memory loss, premature aging of the brain.
Aluminum-containing food: World Health Organization, the body of aluminum daily intake should not exceed 60 mg.
Lipid peroxide-containing food oil temperature at 200 ℃ over fried categories of food and prolonged exposure to sunlight of the food such as smoked fish, duck, geese contain more lipid peroxide, they will accumulate in the body , subject to certain metabolic enzyme system damage, premature senility or dementia in the brain.
Refined sugar, MSG and more food saccharin intake too much will damage brain cells and tissues