I. Berry
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture study shows that blueberries are the highest antioxidant-containing fruits, came in second place is a small cranberries, followed by blackberry and strawberry. Berry color comes from anthocyanin pigments, antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals.
2, dairy products
Dairy products provide calcium is not only good food, and it contains a lot of protein, vitamins (including vitamin D) and minerals. These elements are against the key elements of osteoporosis. In 2005, the U.S. government nutrition indicators suggest that you daily intake of three amounts of low-fat dairy products, while also recommended to do daily activities of the training load can be strong bones. (If you can not insist on a daily basis, then other elements of food, including vegetables, calcium, kale, broccoli, etc. you can try, in addition to elements of a high calcium soy products, fruit juices and cereals, etc., you can to try.)
3, lipid fish
Fish contain large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids. These fish include salmon, tuna. This fatty acid may fight disease, help reduce the amount of fat in the blood, but also can prevent and heart diseases related to blood clotting.
The American Heart Association recommends eating fish twice a week, each time the amount of fish can not be less than 2 weight (especially lipid fish). s Lichtenstein said: "The fish can reduce the likelihood of heart disease ... the disease ...
4, vegetables and foods
Disease resistance in food and vegetables is the best kind of oh. The vegetables include spinach, kale, cabbage and lettuce. They contain a lot of vitamins, mineral elements, β-carotene, vitamin C, folate, iron, magnesium, carotenoids, plant chemicals, antioxidants. A Harvard study found that eating those foods that are high magnesium element, such as spinach, can reduce type 2 diabetes, the possibility of the disease ... ...
5, whole grain foods
Good morning, Grandma Usually, it urged us to eat wheat porridge, but she is aware of the soluble fiber in oatmeal can lower blood cholesterol levels in
6, sweet potato
To improve your diet, then you should be in your diet by adding sweet potatoes, oh. This sweet food, contains a lot of anti-oxidants, phytochemicals, including the β - carotene; vitamin C and E; folic acid; calcium; Copper; iron; and potassium. Sweet potato inside the fiber to promote digestive tract health, including anti-oxidants in the prevention of heart disease and cancer, play a role.
7, tomatoes
Summer, these flush to the full flavor of tomatoes and lycopene - a kind can help prevent certain types of cancer anti-oxidants. At the same time tomatoes also provides a wealth of vitamins A and C, potassium, and phytochemicals ... ...
8, beans
Such foods are nutritious, they contain a large number of plant chemical substances; non-fat, high-quality protein; folic acid; fiber; iron; magnesium and a small amount of calcium. Beans to obtain a good protein food, but also that the best choice for low-calorie vegetarian oh.
9, nuts
We all know that nuts contain a lot of fat. But the nuts are very healthy type of food. Whether a single non-saturated or polyunsaturated, and can help lower cholesterol levels and help prevent heart disease. In order to obtain large amounts of protein, fiber, selenium, vitamin E and vitamin A, nuts are also a good choice.
10, eggs
The results showed that saturated fat (low content of eggs) in the rise of cholesterol in our blood, the play bigger role than cholesterol.